
In 1970, the engineer Liberio Lombardi started dealing with Zootechnics and waste water which came from farm discharges. The plants concerned especially anaerobic digestion applied to pig holding discharges.

Because of his experience the engineer Lombardi was asked to contribute to the first Italian legislation drawing-up, as Italian Farmer Association representative.

In the mid-70's he started handling waste disposal and landfills while D.P.R. 915/82 still had to be issued.

Since then he devoted himself to the environmental engineering and managed to create a group that is the backbone of the engineering firm LSP still today.

The areas of intervention are several, concerning environmental protection, Hydraulics and safety at work.

The engineering firm LSP was set up in 1995 and the three actual partners are: Eng. Ennio Spazzoli, Eng. Cristina Paglionico, Eng. Raffaella Lombardi.